Microsoft Certificate Revocation List Downloadmilkwestern

Microsoft Certificate Revocation List Downloadmilkwestern

  1. Certificate Revocation List Update
  2. Download Certificate Revocation List

The header contains the version number of the CRL and the number of revocation entries in the CRL. A CRL can contain zero or more entries. Revocation entries. Each revocation entry is the 160-bit digest of a revoked certificate. Compare this digest with the DigestValue element within the certificate. Certificate Certificate Revocation List; Microsoft Root Certificate Authority 2010. Thumbprint (sha1). Microsoft PKI Services Certificate Policy. Microsoft PKI Services CP v3.1.3 Microsoft PKI Services Certification Practice Statement (CPS).

Abstract: If you check your Skype for Business frontend server event log you see multiple warnings for the Windows Fabric related to the cert chain trust and the certificate revocation list (CRL).

The errors in the event log show up similar like the following:

Certificate Revocation List Update

As 0x1000040 implies:

The first line above is nearly the same as the 2nd line. This lead to the following solution:


The error show up if the CRL, which is specified in the SSL certificates you are using on your Skype for Business (=SfB) environment, couldn´t be reachable from your SfB frontend server. This could be due to a firewall issue (e.g. needed port isn´t open) or a proxy exclusion list isn´t set via 'netsh winhttp set proxy'. Once the server can reach the CRL again the problem should be solved.

To find the CRL you could open the SSL certificate and check the 'CRL Distribution Point' property for more details.

Keep noted that most Skype for business (aka Lync) server use a certificate from an internal Microsoft certificate autority (MS CA). So do not check only the external CRL for the public certificate you are using, check also the internal CRL!

Microsoft Certificate Revocation List DownloadmilkwesternCape

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